Showing 1–12 of 42 results

  • Yin & Yang

    Yin and yang .

    It’s all about balancing male and female energies ( SHIV SHAKTI) Yin and Yang are concepts from Indian philosophy representing the dualistic nature of existence, where opposing forces are interconnected and complementary. Rose quartz and red agate crystals are often associated with these principles. Rose quartz is considered a stone of love and harmony, often associated with the Yin energy, ( female) representing receptivity and gentleness. Red agate, on the other hand, is associated with Yang ( male) energy, symbolizing strength and protection. Combining these crystals can be seen as a balance of feminine and masculine energies. People often use them for emotional healing and balance.

    Trim the Wick first
    Burning Time : 50 Hours
    Aroma : Velvet rose
    Wax : Soy Wax
    Type: Personally Energized Candle

    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Chakra Crystal Candles

    Chakra crystal candles

    Are often used in meditation and energy healing practices to align and balance the body’s chakras. These candles typically incorporate crystals and colors associated with each of the seven main chakras. Each chakra is associated with a specific color and energy center in the body:

    1. Root Chakra (Red): Represents stability and grounding.

    2. Sacral Chakra (Orange): Associated with creativity and emotions.

    3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow): Linked to personal power and confidence.

    4. Heart Chakra (Green ): Relates to love and compassion.

    5. Throat Chakra (Blue): Connected to communication and self-expression.

    6. Third Eye Chakra ( Purple): Associated with intuition and insight.

    7. Crown Chakra (Violet): Represents spiritual connection and higher consciousness.

    These candles typically contain corresponding crystals or gemstones to enhance the energy associated with each chakra.

    Lighting them during meditation or relaxation practices is believed to help balance and align the chakras, promoting physical and emotional well-being.

    2,800.00 Add to cart
  • Wealth & Prosperity

    Wealth & Prosperity

    Wealth and prosperity :

    Pyrite and Amazonite are two unique crystals, each with its own set of properties and energies. Pyrite It’s known for its protective and grounding qualities. Pyrite is associated with abundance, prosperity, and wealth. It attracts financial success and opportunities. place the wealth and prosperity candle in your workspace to enhance abundance and attract opportunities. It’s also used for protection against negative energies. Amazonite is known for its soothing blue-green color and is often associated with tranquility and harmony and to open communication.

    Trim the wick first.
    Burning Time : 50 Hours
    Aroma : Velvet rose
    Wax : Soy Wax
    Type: Personally Energized Candle​

    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Health & Wellness

    Health & Wellness

    Health n wellness

    Candle has powerful crystal Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection, courage, and balance. It is often used to enhance personal power and confidence. It can help shield you from negative energies and promote grounding. Boost Confidence , while meditating visualise yourself as confident and empowered. This can be particularly useful before important meetings or events. Obsidian is a stone of protection, transformation, and inner strength. It’s known for its ability to absorb and transmute negative energy. It will Shield you Against Negativity Self-Reflection Use this health n wellness candle in meditation to dive deep into your subconscious mind. It can help you confront and release past traumas or negative patterns it will help you Release Emotional Baggage light this candle and visualize negative emotions or attachments being released and transformed into positive

    Trim the wick first.
    Burning Time : 50 Hours
    Aroma : Velvet rose
    Wax : Soy Wax
    Type: Personally Energized Candle​

    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Good Vibes

    Good Vibes

    Good vibes.

    Green aventurine is a crystal known for its association with luck, prosperity, and abundance. Here’s how you can use green aventurine crystal candle for its potential benefits:
    Set Your Intention: Before working with green aventurine, take a moment to set a clear intention. What area of your life would you like to invite more luck, prosperity, or abundance into? Hold or Meditate with Green Aventurine: You can keep the good vibes candle in your room and meditate with it. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize the energy of the crystal candle surrounding you and aligning with your intention. Dedicate a space in your home as an abundance altar. Place green aventurine crystal candle along with other items that symbolize good vibes Affirmations:** Repeat positive affirmations related to your intention while holding the green aventurine. For example, you might say, “I am open to receiving good positive vibes in my life

    Trim the Wick first
    Burning Time : 50 Hours
    Aroma :
    Wax : Soy Wax
    Type: Personally Energized Candle​

    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Abundance



    Citrine candles are often used to harness the energy and properties associated with citrine, a crystal known for its abundance, positivity, and creativity. Here’s how you can use a citrine candle for its benefits:

    1. Set your intention: Begin by setting a specific intention for your citrine candle. This intention could be related to attracting abundance, enhancing creativity, or promoting a positive mindset.

    2. Find a suitable location: Choose a quiet and peaceful space where you can focus your energy and intention.

    3. Prepare the candle: Place the citrine candle on a stable surface. Make sure it’s in a safe holder, as you’ll be lighting it.

    4. Light the candle: As you light the citrine candle, visualize your intention coming to fruition. Imagine yourself surrounded by abundance, positivity, or creative inspiration.

    5. Meditate or reflect: Sit in front of the candle and spend some time in meditation or reflection. Focus on your intention and allow the energy of the citrine crystal to amplify

    Trim the wick 1st
    Burning time : 50 hrs
    Aroma –
    Soy wax
    Personally Energized Candles

    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Crystal Infused Candle

    Crystal Infused Candle

    Clear quartz crystal candles are often used for their spiritual and cleansing properties. To use one for cleansing and clarity, follow these steps:

    1. Set your intention: Before lighting the candle, take a moment to set your intention. What do you want to cleanse or clarify in your life? Focus on this intention as you proceed.

    2. Find a quiet space: Choose a peaceful environment where you won’t be disturbed. This can enhance the effectiveness of your ritual.

    3. Light the candle: Light the clear quartz crystal candle while maintaining your intention in mind. As the flame burns, visualize any negative or unclear energy being transformed into pure, clear energy.

    4. Meditate: Sit quietly in front of the candle, and meditate on your intention. Allow any thoughts or emotions to come to the surface, and let them go as you breathe deeply.

    5. Use the crystal: After the candle has burned for a while and you feel a sense of clarity, carefully remove the clear quartz crystal from the melted wax. Hold it in your hand

    Trim the wick first.
    Burning Time : 50 Hours
    Aroma :
    Wax : Soy Wax
    Type: Personally Energized Candle​

    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Crystal Candle – Pack of 3

    Crystal Infused Candle – Pack of 3

    Abundance (Rainbow Fluorite)

    Rainbow Fluorite is known to attract prosperity and inner wealth, it helps to cleanse all the chakras, before connecting with the heart chakra for an infusion of confidence, relaxation, and compassion.

    Love (Rose Quartz)

    The Rose Quartz stone is strongly attached to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra. But it’s not a stone that simply rests in romance.

    Happiness (Amethyst)

    Amethyst can break anxious or addictive thought patterns and help you move into your higher consciousness.


    1,600.00 Add to cart
  • Meadow Breeze Glow

    Meadow breeze improves respiratory health and heals skin conditions. They also relieve congestion, promote healthy sleep patterns, and boost your mood.

    Aroma: Meadow breeze

    Burning time: 25 hrs

    800.00 Add to cart
  • Crystal Candle – Rainbow Fluorite

    • Rainbow fluorite is known for bringing more luck and abundance into their home,
    • Fluorite is known to attract prosperity and inner wealth, it helps to cleanse all the chakras, before connecting with the heart chakra for an infusion of confidence, relaxation, and compassion.
    • Very Good for Students,IT professional and Stock brokers who often sit for hours on computer

    850.00 Add to cart
  • Crystal Candle – Amethyst

    • Amethyst Known as “the all-purpose stone, is for emotional and spiritual protection,
    • Amethyst can break anxious or addictive thought patterns and help you move into your higher consciousness.
    • Its high vibration blocks negative, stressful energies and stimulates serenity & happiness of the mind.
    850.00 Add to cart
  • Crystal Candle – Rose Quartz

    • The Rose Quartz stone is strongly attached to both the heart chakra and the throat chakra. But it’s not a stone that simply rests in romance.
    • Rose Quartz speaks softly to all kinds of love; from healing communication with family to developing a deeper bond with spouses and friends, and even bringing sweeter notes of self-care into your own world.


    850.00 Add to cart