The Balance Glow


The Balance Glow candle is specially crafted for closed spaces infusing it with its energizing grassy scent that is rejuvenating as it brings a clean feeling in your living space. It regenerates a sense of balance and connects us with Nature through its rich vitalizing aroma.


  • Fragrance : Lemon Grass
  • Burning time :  52 hrs
  • Dimension in inches : 4. 5h x 1. 5r


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The Balance Glow candle is specially crafted for closed spaces infusing it with its energizing grassy scent that is rejuvenating as it brings a clean feeling in your living space. It regenerates a sense of balance and connects us with Nature through its rich vitalizing aroma.


  • Fragrance : Lemon Grass
  • Burning time :  52 hrs
  • Dimension in inches : 4. 5h x 1. 5r



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